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How does Mental Coaching work?

Golf Mental Coaching can be done by phone ,by email, in person and even on the golf course.

We begin with a short assessment to identify the issues that could be interfering with your game. We work together to identify your strengths, areas of improvement, goals, differences between the times when you play your best and your worst, etc.

We will work together developing a program that will help you deal with your obstacles, focus and learn to enjoy the game of golf.

What are the benefits of Golf Mental Coaching?

Golf is not only a technical game (how to swing the club). It is also physical game (you have to be in good shape), a social game (you have to deal with other players' behaviors and how they impact your feelings, you thoughts, and your game), and a mental game (you have to use helpful mental strategies and plan according to your goals). In the past, when a golfer wasn't happy with their game, they would take a few lessons, get new clubs, and ignore how their mental and emotional states impacted their game or vice-versa. Lately, professional atheletes have become aware of the importance of their mental game. They realise that what goes on in their head, can influence performance and results. AS A RESULT, YOU CAN BECOME A MORE RESILIENT GOLFER.


What is important for you in your game? Is it confidence? Is it patience? Focus? Consistency? Trust? Golf mental coaching can help you focus on the task in hand, be consistent and competitive, increase self-confidence and trust, develop specific goals and game plans.



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